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Timeline of Events


​This page is intended to help District Secretaries, teachers, parents, coaches and athletes understand the timescale and processes involved from District trials through to Cheshire Schools selection for Inter County and National events.

We aim to be as transparent as possible about how athletes are selected to represent Cheshire as many different aspects are taken into consideration. We hope this page helps to clarify how events throughout the year relate to each other.

       DATE                                    EVENT                                                                                                                   INFORMATION         


SEPT / OCT                        District Cross Country Trials amongst each District's                Top 20 athletes from each District / gender and age group are eligible for                                                    Secondary Schools and 6th Form Colleges                                 selection  by the District Secretary to compete in County XC Champs in January


OCT / NOV                        District Secretaries will inform the schools of which athletes   District Secretaries organise Team Managers and officials to help at next 

                                            have been selected for the County Champs in January              round and organise travel arrangements for the team if necessary


NOV                                   District Secretary to attend CSAA AGM to receive info               District Secretaries to feedback info from meeting to all schools in their

                                            about forthcoming fixtures and venues                                        area.


JAN                                    CSAA County Cross Country match.                                              2 Team Managers and 3 officials needed from each District. All paperwork,                                                                                                                                                               instructions, athletes numbers and pins given out on the day.  Results will be                                                                                                                                                          forwarded to District Secretaries which should be distributed to all schools.


                                        CSAA selection committee will select County team based on     CSAA will inform individuals and their schools of their selection. The team

                                           positioning in our events as well as club fixtures, current           will also be published on this website as soon as possible. This team will 

                                           form, availablility, age group, number of team places                represent Cheshire at the ESAA XC Championships in March.

                                           available. In the Minors age group the top 5 from each

                                          District will be invited to run in the 'Dave Sunderland' Inter

                                        County trophy


MARCH                            ESAA XC Championships                                                                     Depending on venue, team will travel together or meet at venue. Staff                                                                                                                                                                     volunteers more than welcome to help team manage.


APRIL                                District Secretaries to attend CSAA Spring meeting to hear       District Secretaries to feedback information to all schools in their area.

                                         round up of results and receive info about forthcoming

                                         fixtures and venues


APRIL / EARLY MAY      District Secretary to organise athletics trials amongst schools  Top 3 in each event eligible for selection. Detailed instructions will be sent 

                                         in their area for Juniors, Intermediates and Seniors. District    regarding how to collate this information and declare it to Championship

                                          Secretary to select District Team to compete at County           Secretary. It is vital this is adhered to ON TIME. Coaches are NOT to enter                                                 Championships in June                                                                        individual  athletes for this event but direct your request through your                                                                                                                                                                      District Secretary.   A Junior or Intermediate athlete can only be entered for                                                                                                                                                             1 event. A Senior can be entered for 2 events.                                                                                                                                   


MID MAY                         District Secretary to inform schools of athletes selected            Districts to organise staffing for next 2 rounds of the competition - the                                                                                                                                                                          County Championships (5 people) and the Mason Trophy (2 people)


MID MAY                        District Secretaries to declare District team to Championship   Some Districts use a rota to spread the load. Done effectively each school

                                         Secretary with staffing details                                                           in the district should only have to do this event once every 5 years!!!  Staff are                                                                                                                                                        needed throughout the day as events at the County Champs go on from                                                                                                                                                                  9.30am until 5pm so districts must ensure they have staff cover ALL day in                                                                                                                                                                whatever form - some do just morning, some just afternoon etc


END OF MAY                  Districts to organise District Track & Field Championships

                                          for Minors   (yr 7)


END OF MAY                 Entries for Combined events to be sent to Tony Browne              Tony Browne will select a maximum of 4 athletes per age group and gender                                                                                                                                                           to represent Cheshire in the NW Regional Event to be held on the 4th

                                                                                                                                                          weekend in June . This will be done as a result of information sent by the

                                                                                                                                                          athlete and supported by their teacher or club representative.E



EARLY JUNE                    Championship Secretary will send out info and timetables for  District Secretaries to distribute this to all schools in their area so individual

                                         CSAA County T&F Championships                                                     athletes get the appropriate information


2ND SAT IN JUNE          CSAA County Track & Field Championships                                    Each event needs 4 or 5 officials for the safe running of the event so it is                                                                                                                                                                  ESSENTIAL that Districts have staff in attendance. The event cannot run                                                                                                                                                                   without the appropriate number of staff.


2ND SAT IN JUNE          CSAA selection committee select the first County team for        Individual athletes and their schools are informed of their selection.

                                         the next competition - The Mason Trophy Inter Counties           Top 2 from each  event for Juniors and Intermediates are normally invited to                                                                                                                                                                          the  Mason Trophy. If  athletes are unavailable we may invite 3rd or 4th placed                                                                                                                                                                                  athletes from the  County Championships. Event results and team selection                                                                                                                                                                                      will appear on this website as soon as possible after the Championships.


2ND SAT IN JUNE          Entries from District Secretaries for the Minors (Year 7)            Districts will have held trials and selected top 3 from each event ( 2 for 800m)                                           Track & Field Championships due to Championship                   to represent  their District at the T&F Championships. Entry forms will have been                                                      Secretary                                                                                                           sent out  in advance with detailed instructions for completion. District Secretaries                                                                                                                                                                            will have informed schools of athletes selected and organised staff (5) to                                                                                                                                                                                             officiate


3RD SAT IN JUNE          Mason Trophy Inter Counties T&F Championships. First              2 staff from each District to attend to officiate. This event is usually in

                                          outing for the Junior & IntermediateCheshire Team                     Birmingham.

                                          against 9 other Counties                


3RD SAT / SUN IN          CSAA selection committee to select 35 athletes from Junior      This is the final team drawn up from all the athletes who have competed

 JUNE                                Intermediate & Senior athletes to represent Cheshire at the    during the season. It is a very difficult selection process taking into account

                                         ESAA Track & Field Championship in July                                       National & Entry standards, age group, current form, performance in other

                                                                                                                                                        events THIS season and potential to reach Final at ESAA based on previous                                                                                                                                                              year's results. We base the selection on all information available to us                                                                                                                                                                        including Power of 10 and information that the athletes have provided us                                                                                                                                                                   with. We are only allocated 40 places at English Schools and some athletes                                                                                                                                                              inevitably miss out on selection but be assured EVERY athlete is considered                                                                                                                                                              very carefully before final selection is made. Individual athletes and their                                                                                                                                                                   schools are informed of their selection and the team list becomes visible on                                                                                                                                                            the ESAA website within a week. 


MID JUNE                       Programme for the CSAA Minors Championships is sent out     District Secretaries to send information out to all schools in their area.

                                         to District Secretaries


LATE JUNE                      CSAA Minors Track & Field Championships. Evening event        5 staff to attend from each District to officiate an event. Individual athletes

                                         from which athletes will be selected for the next round- the        and their schools will be informed of their selection for the next round.  

                                          Inter Counties T&F Championships.


EARLY JULY                     Minors Inter Counties T&F Championships                                     This is the final event of the season for Year 7 selected to represent Cheshire



EARLY JULY                     English Schools Track & Field Championships                               This is the final event of the season for Junior, Intermediate & Senior athletes                                                                                                                                                          to represent Cheshire. Successful Intermediates at this event will be selected                                                                                                                                                         to represent England at the Internatinal Championships.



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